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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hay Creek & Casting for Recovery

It’s definitely no joke that everything seems to always be in the same weekend. TCTU with help from members of the Hiawatha chapter began the 2009 Hay Creek Habitat Improvement Project on Friday (7/17). The work was scheduled for Friday though Monday. By the time I arrived the guys had already built a few lunker structures and sky hooks. We had a few hiccups (air compressor went out and a little trouble with the chainsaw) but with the help of some awesome volunteers and strong direction from Josh, Mike and Tom… completed the project. If you haven’t been down to Hay Creek in a while, be sure to visit this year’s project and last year’s just upstream off 325th.

The same weekend as the H.I. Project was the first Casting for Recovery Retreat in the MN/WI area. I only spent the last day with the ladies but it was an amazing and inspiring 7 hours. When I arrived at Trout Haven I was extremely impressed with the people responsible for organizing the entire retreat making it a wonderful experience for some very special ladies. The morning was filled with fishing and many inspiring stories as each lady had a fishing buddy to guide them on the stream and introduce the art of fly fishing we all love. The afternoon was a graduation filled with tears of joy and appreciation. Each lady was presented with a fly rod, custom made with a rose color and engraving of their choice. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the room. The retreat was amazing and a huge success! I think everyone who attended is so excited about next years and those to follow. If you have an interest in volunteering or if you know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, please contact Casting for Recovery for further details about upcoming retreats (