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Monday, March 3, 2008

Rivers in Danger!

Pebble Mine – Bristol Bay, Alaska

The Pebble Open Pit Gold & Copper Mine is a proposed development of an open pit mining district at the headwaters of the Mulchatna/Nushagak River and the Newhalen/Kvichak River. Not only are these the two rivers that feed into the Bristol Bay but are two of the most famous salmon producing river drainages in Alaska. The project would include the largest dam in the world. This land is home for 120,000+ Mulchatna Caribou, moose, bear and many other animals… these spawning waters are the source of the most productive commercial and sport salmon fisheries in the world. If this project is approved it could create a 1,000 square mile industrialized mining zone within the Bristol Bay watershed not to mention being mined for the next 40 – 50 years creating toxic wastes.

65,000 recreational anglers visit the area yearly to find one of the most prolific rainbow trout fisheries in North America. 29% of the $374 million commercial salmon harvest statewide was from the Bristol Bay area. Join Trout Unlimited, The Sportsman’s Alliance for Alaska, native tribes and villages, and over 50 outfitters and commercial fishing operators in the fight against Pebble Mine. Contact the Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin at and voice an opinion.

Trout Unlimited’s Top 5 Endangered U.S. Waters

Trapper Creek, Northwest Colorado
The Threat – Drilling and industrial development

Jefferson River, Southwest Montana

The Threat – Irrigation and drought

Snake River, Idaho
The Threat – Four dams

Green River, Southwest Wyoming
The Threat – Oil & Gas drilling

Southern Appalachian Mountain Streams
The Threat – The climate Change

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