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Friday, May 9, 2008

Question of the Day

For those of you who are excited about the Walleye Opener!

Walleyes hunt at low light levels because:

[A] Fewer boats are out
[B] They can see better than their prey
[C] They use mainly their sense of smell and their lateral line to locate forage

Check back later for the answer...

Gordon MacQuarrie

Nearly a year ago I was introduced to the “Old Duck Hunters’ Association”, a group of fictional stories written by Gordon MacQuarrie. Your imagination is quickly captured as you read about the President of the “ODHA” and his days spent on the Brule fishing or duck hunting on Richards Lakes. MacQuarrie has a way of writing a story that keeps you tuned for the punch at the end. Whether you’re waiting to find out if Minnie (the mallard hen) will find her way back to Bill or who will catch the largest trout of the day, MacQuarrie will always leave his readers with a grin. Zack Taylor compiled Gordon MacQuarrie’s stories in a book called “More Stories of the Old Duck Hunters”. If you’ve never read the short stories I highly recommend checking them out. Not only will you be entertained… but you’ll read about those flies and stop to think “hmm… should I try it?”

Quote of the Day!

The farther you travel to fish, the worse the fishing will be. However, it will improve immediately after you leave to return home. Thus the old saying: "The fishing is always better the day before you get there and the day after you leave".
-Max Schulman

Friday, May 2, 2008

Question of the day

Bug's are everywhere, and the trout are rising - but they aren't taking your dry fly. The first thing you should do is...

[A] Go to a lighter tippet
[B] Switch the fly pattern
[C] Use the same pattern, but go one size smaller

Quote of the Day

My home river does not always give me her fish, but the blessings of her company are always north the trip.
-Paul Schullery