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Friday, May 9, 2008

Question of the Day

For those of you who are excited about the Walleye Opener!

Walleyes hunt at low light levels because:

[A] Fewer boats are out
[B] They can see better than their prey
[C] They use mainly their sense of smell and their lateral line to locate forage

Check back later for the answer...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love this site! It is so hard to find fishing gear for women! I had to order boys boots online to get felt soles.Girls need stuff too! I did get a new flygirl fly rod that I just love. I am lucky enough to have a husband that owns the south fork of the White river near Meeker and able to fish whenever I want. I seem to get a fish within 3 minutes of casting everytime which makes for much excitment. Has anyone else used a flygirl fly rod? Woolys work really well, but it makes me feel like I am cheating so we use nymps.