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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Be Prepared

This past summer I learned a lesson on how prepared I am in the outdoors. Basically… I’m not! I headed up north to fish a river I had been on once. However, it was with someone who was very familiar with the area. This time I was headed up north with a friend who had never been fly fishing. Ignoring the warning about fishing this spot without someone familiar with the area, I was determined to have a successful evening fishing one of my favorite hatches. It turned out to be an embarrassing disaster. Fishing ended at 11:00pm… we were back at my car at 3:00am… I am sure you can guess what happened in between. Luckily my cell phone had service (this is the only river I have fished with cell phone service) and we were able to contact help! Yes, the police came in with spotlights in the air for us to locate them and find our way out! Again…. Embarrassing! It was a lesson needed to show me how really unprepared I am. I never thought much about getting lost on a river or what I would need.

Never leave the car without:

  • A Compass
  • Water
  • Emergency Food
  • Some type of First Aid Kit
  • Head Light or Flashlight
  • A Pocket Knife
  • Signaling Device (Whistle, Flare, Mirror)
  • Candle
  • Insect Repellent
  • Waterproof Matches

Always let someone know where you are going

Pay close attention to your surroundings and landmarks from the moment you leave the car

Stay calm if you get lost. Panic is your worst threat!

Sometimes it’s good to stay put if it is after nightfall

Always be sure to look at a map of the area. Pay attention to where bridges may cross the river and if other tributaries flow in

Travel with a companion (I can’t imagine if I was alone)

Be prepared for weather conditions (rain, snow, etc)

Understand the symptoms of heat exhaustion, heat stroke, hypothermia, and dehydration

When someone says "Don't go"... LISTEN

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