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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fishing Around the Clock and Around the Nation - By Recycled Fish

September 18 & 19, 2009
Fishing around the clock and around the country.
Raising awareness for the problems facing our waters.
Raising money to help them.

Our lakes, streams and seas are in trouble. It is the result of many things, from over-consuming water to over-harvest of fish to pollution to invasive species. Many of the main issues come from problems in our broader environment because our “lifestyle runs downstream.”

Anglers - people who love to fish - are the first to notice, because we spend time on the water observing our surroundings. Problems in our environment often show up first in our waters - it all runs downstream. We’re doing something about it with the 24 Hour Fish-A-Thon.

We’re standing up as not just users of our natural resources, but as stewards. We’re raising the flag for simple things anybody can do to ensure healthy waters for fish and wildlife - and for each of us.

Below is the growing list of anglers who has agreed to participate in a national event to fish for 24 hours straight. Each of them is highlighting a different issue facing our fisheries, and something we can do to solve it.

Anglers fish in teams both for safety and also so they can catch-photo-release each fish for documentation purposes in a way that minimizes fish handling and out-of-water time for the fish.

Each angler team is also competing to see who can catch more and bigger fish using the Angling Masters Fish Calculator. While there are problems with our waters, there are still amazing experiences to be had on them, which is a big part of the story.

Every angler will be practicing catch and release, cleaning up the areas they are fishing in, using SAFE Angling gear like single barbless hooks and non-toxic lead alternative weights. This is about more than fishing, it’s about leaving something great for generations to come.

Meet the Anglers - Further details at

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