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Monday, February 25, 2008

Fly Fishing in the Movies

The Quiet Man **Recently Added

How could I forget a favorite classic! A friend reminded me of The Quiet Man. A story about returning to your roots, starting over, falling in love and fly fishing! John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara star in this tale of Sean Thornton, The tall American who returns home to Ireland. He not only finds childhood memories but confrontation from his neighbor Will Danaher, who is determined to keep his sister Mary Kate from marrying Thornton. The plot thickens when Michaleen Oge Flynn, Father Peter Lonergan and Rev. Dr. Cyril Playfair devise a plan to get Danaher to give his permission. A plan that soon backfires! It is Father Peter Lonergan we see casting a fly rod for that prized salmon in the village river. If you haven’t seen The Quiet Man it is well worth the time… and for those of you who have, will never forget that Irish tune… “There was a wild colonial boy… Jack Duggan was his name… He was born and bred in Ireland… In a town called Castlemane…”

A River Runs Through It

We’ve probably all seen it! The story of Norm and Paul MaClean, two brother rebelling against their father who teaches them “To him, all good things, trout as well as eternal salvation, comes by grace and grace comes by art and art does not come easy”. Although each brother takes a different path for their future, fly fishing is the passion that still links them together.

Catch and Release

The title is a bit deceiving. Little fly fishing is seen in this romantic drama. Gray mourns the death of her fiancé who she soon discovers had a separate life from the one she shared with him. She finds herself depending on his friends while falling for the one she least expected. Although a great chick flick!!! The amount of fly fishing is at a minimum


thebigandyt said...

a bit unrelated but,

i've been at your site a couple of times and i jump everytime whenever the singing starts.

i still can't think of any other flyfishing in the movies either

Bill said...

Two movies that are must viewing for fly fishing fans are The Quiet Man (1956) and Libeled Lady (1936)

Check them out.

Jack Nilan